The TTT3 telescope at the Teide Observatory sees its first light

Two-meter Twin Telescope (TTT) operado por Light Bridges en el Observatorio del Teide (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias). / J.C. Casado

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The third telescope of the Two-metre Twin Telescope (TTT3) situated in the Teide Observatory of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has seen its “first light”. In astronomy this term means the moment that a telescope receives and image from the universe for the first time.

This robotic 2 meter telescope, managed by the Canary company Light Bridges, is one of the largest of its kind in the world. The initiation of its work is an important advance in the expansion of TTT, which consists of two twin telescopes of 80 cm primary mirrors, already in operation, and two twin telescopes of 2 metres. This milestone strengthens the model of public-private collaboration in astronomical research.

The TTT3 works in the visible and the near infrared wavebands, and has already taken images of emblematic sky objects such as the Crab Nebula (M1) or the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51). According to its promotors the initial results show the exceptional imaging capability of the telescope, which promises to be a valuable tool for deepening our research in the Solar System, in the study of the remnants of stellar explosions, the dynamical structure of spiral galaxies, and other cosmic phenomena of great interest.

First light image of the Star Formation region in the Orion Nebula (M42) obtained by the Two Metre Twin Telescope 3 (TTT3) at the Teide Observatory, Credit J.C.Casado

Light Bridges informs us that the scientific community can purchase observation time on the TTT3 to develop different lines of important research, such as Solar System studies, exploring exoplanets, or rapid response science.

Among the Solar System research the telescope will allow a detailed analysis of metal rich asteroids, which will give us essential information about the formation and evolution of our Solar system, as well as evaluating their potential as sources of mineral resources during future space exploration.

First Light image of the Crab Nebula (M1) obtained with the Two.Metre Ttwin Telescope 3 (TTT3) at the Teide Observatory . Credit J.C. Casado

As for the exploration of exoplanets, the TTT3 will contribute to the detection and characterization of planets in other solar systems, as part of the global search for habitable worlds, and augmenting our knowledge about the formation of planetary systems.

In the area of rapid response science, the telescope’s system of speedy time assignment will enable observations to be made of an object on the same night as its discovery, which will complement telescopes with greater size, such as the James Webb Space Telescope or the future Vera Rubin Observatory.

First Light image of the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51), obtained with the Two-Metre Twin Telescope (TTT3) at the Teide Observatory. Credit J.C. Casado 

Public-private collaboration 

The development of the TTT3 has been possible thanks to a new model of public-private collaboration, which integrates the astronomical quality of the Canary sky and its economic and fiscal characteristics, giving maximum priority to the most sustainable environmental policies.

This alliance has permitted the enlargement of the establishment of the Two-metre Twin Telescope at the Teide Observatory of the IAC, setting a valuable precedent in taking advantage of the economic resources in the Canaries, and the promotion of interdisciplinary research.

First light image of the Ghost Nebula of Jupiter (NGC 3242) obtained with the Two-Metre Twin Telescope 3 (TTT3) at the Teide Observatory Credit J.C. Casado

Antonio Maudes, commercial technician, and Economist of the State, as well as a researcher who is on leave, stresses that “Putting the TTT3 under way is an important milestone for Spanish economy and astronomy. The presence of two-metre robotic telescopes at the Teide Observatory, funded entirely with private resources, strengthens our scientific infrastructure and is proof of the synergy which is possible between the public and private sectors to drive forward knowledge and innovation, in this case with the impulse of the Economic and Fiscal Regime of the Canaries."

First Light for the TTT3 marks a phase of consolidation and expansion in international astronomical expansion. With its advanced capabilities in precision photometry, in astrometry, and in data analysis, this telescope will be able to act as a catalyst for economic and technological development, reinforcing the strategic role of Spain the the space and scientific field on a world level.


Light Bridges press [at] (press[at]lightbridges[dot]es)

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