
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • Infrared image of the Large Magellanic Cloud
    Stars with masses between one and eight times the mass of the Sun evolve along the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) before ending their lives as white dwarfs. It is during this rapid but crucial phase when the stars expand to huge dimensions and cool down, losing a major fraction of their mass due to the strong stellar winds. The low temperature and high density of the winds provide ideal conditions for the condensation of dust grains in their circumstellar envelopes. The dust produced by the stars in their AGB phase and expelled into the interstellar medium is important for the lives of the
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  • The newly discovered Einstein Cross J2211-3050.
    The study, which has combined images from the Hubble Space Telescope with spectroscopic observations from the GTC, has confirmed the existence of a new example of a gravitational lens, a phenomenon predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity.
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  • Portada del vídeo CTA, Mujeres de Altas Energías
    CTA es un proyecto internacional con más de 1400 miembros de más de 200 instituciones de 31 países. Es, por ello, una infraestructura de una gran diversidad que pretende ser un referente de equidad y respeto en la Ciencia que inspire a futuras generaciones. El vídeo “CTA, Mujeres de Altas Energías” muestra a un grupo de investigadoras e ingenieras que dedican su talento a la puesta en marcha de esta gigantesca red de telescopios Cherenkov destinada a la observación de los fenómenos más energéticos del Universo. Como ocurre en la mayor parte de instituciones científicas y tecnológicas del
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  • Daniel Sanginés, Débora Ávila, Sigrid Ojel, Verónica Redrado, Lidia Medina y Judith González durante la interpretación de la obra de teatro "El honor perdido de Henrietta Leavitt" en el Teatro Leal, en La Laguna. Credit: Daniel López / IAC.
    Within the activities organized to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and International Women’s Day, the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has uploaded onto its video channels the multimedia theatre performance “ The Lost Honour of Henrietta Leavitt” which was put on in La Laguna and in Tacoronte, Tenerife, in October 2017. One can find the complete recording as well as four selected scenes, in both cases with sign language interpreters present.
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  • Olga Atanackovic. Credit: Miguel Briganti (SMM, IAC)
    When Olga Atanackovic, professor at the Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade (Serbia), finished her PhD thesis, she was the only one person in Serbia working in radiative transfer, an astrophysical problem which studies the interactions between radiation and matter with the goal of understanding the properties of stars and galaxies. Nowadays, the number of specialists in numerical methods in radiative transfer has increased to six, thanks to her efforts as university professor. “Numerical methods in radiative transfer can also be used in many other fields
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