
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • Galaxia diminuta RX J2129-z95
    Using first-of-their-kind observations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), an international scientific team, in which the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) participates, finds a unique, minuscule galaxy that emitted its light more than 13 billion years ago. The galaxy, detected through gravitational lensing, is one of the smallest ever discovered at this distance and has an extremely high star formation rate for its size. This discovery could help astronomers learn more about galaxies that were present shortly after the Universe came into existence. The paper is published in
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  • GTC and Subaru
    A team led by researchers from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) has made, with the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC or Grantecan) and the Subaru telescope, the largest and deepest follow-up to date of a black hole collision previously detected in gravitational waves. The observations showed no optical signal in the direction of the phenomenon, which means that if this black hole merger emitted any light at all, it was fainter than the detection limit of these two telescopes and their instruments. This result imposes an
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  • World Quantum Day
    El 14 de abril se celebra el Día Mundial de la Tecnología Cuántica que tiene como objetivo involucrar al público en general en la comprensión y el debate de la ciencia y la tecnología cuánticas. La elección del día se realizó como referencia a la constante de Planck, 4.14, valor fundamental en el gobierno de la física cuántica. El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) lo celebrará con una jornada de difusión de la computación cuántica y sus aplicaciones en el desarrollo de la sociedad del conocimiento, en particular, en el ámbito de las Islas Canarias. El evento tendrá lugar en el
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  • DRAGO-2: South Turkmenistan
    The DRAGO-2 instrument, developed by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and launched in January from Cape Canaveral, has sent its first images of the Earth from space, showing a resolution six times better than that of its predecessor DRAGO-1. The space-borne camera DRAGO-2, (Demonstrator for Remote Analysis of Ground Observations), launched into space on January 4th, is the second instrument designed by IACTEC-Space. It observes in the short wavelength infrared, (acronym SWIR), a range invisible to the human eye, but nevertheless very useful for many studies and applications. In
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  • Soup of prebiotic molecules
    A study led by the researcher Susana Iglesias of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias has detected the presence of large quantities of complex organic molecules in one of the nearest star forming regions to the Solar System. The results of this have been published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The scientists Susan Iglesias-Groth, of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and Martina Marín-Dobrincic of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena have discovered the presence of numerous prebiotic molecules in the star formation region IC348 of the
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  • An international team led by researchers based in Poland, Spain, and Germany, has predicted the probable existence of a large number of ultradiffuse galaxies in the Local Group which still have not been observed. These galaxies would have masses of up to a thousand million solar masses, spread out over an area comparable to the size of the Milky Way, which is a thousand times more massive. This would make them very faint and difficult to observe, which is why they have not been seen until now. Only af ew have been found in the Local Group, and the question has been raised of how many could
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