
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • El Sol será el protagonista de la charla de Antonio Eff-Darwich / IAC
    ¿Te atreves a pasear por el Cosmos de la mano de personal investigador del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias? Anota en tu agenda los jueves de febrero y marzo a las 16:30 de la tarde para asistir a apasionantes charlas en el Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos que te acercan a las maravillas del Universo con el programa CosmoViaje preparado por el proyecto educativo CosmoLab del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) en colaboración con el Cabildo de Tenerife. Se trata de una serie de charlas gratuitas abiertas al público general hasta completar aforo. Los temas de las charlas son tan
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  • La Fundación CajaCanarias presenta una nueva edición del Foro Enciende el Cosmos
    La Fundación CajaCanarias organiza la octava edición de su Foro Enciende el Cosmos, que este año volverá a contar con la participación de destacados científicos e investigadores de reconocido nivel nacional e internacional. Esta iniciativa de carácter divulgativo pretende expandir, desde la exploración científica, la comprensión del Universo en su conjunto, relacionando el pasado con el presente y con una clara búsqueda de respuestas de cara al futuro. El programa se divide en tres sesiones, a celebrar los días 13 de febrero, 20 de marzo y 10 de abril, en el Espacio Cultural CajaCanarias de
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  • Cartel del programa "Habla Con Ellas: Mujeres en Astronomía" edición 2025
    The project “ Habla con Ellas: Mujeres en Astronomía” (Talk to Them: Women in Astronomy) of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) begins today its seventh edition in Spain as part of the celebrations of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Aimed at the Spanish educational community, it seeks to create new professional role models in science and technology, as well as to inspire new generations, especially girls, to follow in their footsteps. In this edition, the project will feature 36 female astrophysicists, engineers and technologists from the IAC, the Canary
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  • The CELESTE project, of advanced technology for optics and space at the IAC, starts to move ahead
    This Thursday, February 6th, the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, IAC, welcomes the meeting to launch the European project CELESTE (Cutting Edge Leap to Excellence in Space and Optics Technologies). This project, led by the IAC, started on January 1st, and will last until the end of 2030; it has received 12 million euros of funding through the European Research Executive Agency (REA) which is complemented by funding from the Government of the Canaries and from the Cabildo of Tenerife, with 6 million euros from each. The aim of the CELESTE project is to place the Canary Islands as a
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  • Scientists confirm the lunar origin of Near-Earth asteroid 2024 PT5
    This is the third “mini-Moon” with lunar-like material identified as part of the Arjuna asteroid belt, where objects follow similar orbits around the Sun to that of the Earth-Moon system. IAC, February 6, 2025. – Near-Earth asteroid 2024 PT5 orbits around the Sun following a trajectory very similar to that of the Earth-Moon system, and during two months of 2024, it accompained our Earth on its journey. This asteroid has material on its surface that was originated in the Moon, as it has been proved by a research led by the Insituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the Universidad
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  • The Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC)/ Pablo Bonet
    The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) is one of the international researches centres which is following actively the asteroid 2024 YR4 which has been qualified by the United Nations (UN) as potentially dangerous, because it has a 1.5% probability of impacting the Earth during 2032.The asteroid was discovered in 2024 and has an estimated size of between 40 and 90 metres. Given these figures, the UN has activated the protocols of planetary defence to obtain more accurate estimates of the orbit, the size and the threat which might be presented by 2024 YR4. The protocols of the UN are
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