
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

Jóvenes becados y tutores, en la entrada principal de la sede central del IAC, en La Laguna. Crédito: Miguel Briganti (IAC).
    The IAC’s summer studentships are a unique opportunity for training in astrophysical research, technological development, and science outreach.
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  • El panel superior muestra las diferentes velocidades horizontales a tres alturas distintas, mientras que el panel inferior muestra la velocidad de rotación vertical. Los círculos rojos, con 150 km de radio, muestran el tamaño del flujo de los vórtices peq
    Por primera vez, investigadores del IAC aplican técnicas de aprendizaje automático para estudiar los movimientos horizontales del plasma en la superficie solar. “DeepVel”, la red neuronal que han desarrollado, aprende por sí misma a interpretar los datos, mejora los métodos anteriores y permite observar estructuras no detectadas previamente.
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  • El telescopio robótico MASTER-IAC en el Observatorio del Teide (Izaña, Tenerife), utilizado en la observación de rayos gamma GRB160625B. Crédito: Daniel Padrón/IAC.
    A study which will be published tomorrow in Nature magazine and in which IAC researchers have participated, with observations from the robotic telescope MASTER-IAC at the Teide Observatory will help to clear up some unknown factors in the initial phase and the evolution of the huge jets of matter and energy which form as a consequence of these explosions, which are the most powerful in the universe.
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  • Imagen de falso color de la galaxia UCM2325+2318. En verde y rojo se muestra la emisión del nitrógeno y del hidrógeno presentes, respectivamente, en el gas caliente (10,000 grados) de esta galaxia. En azul se muestra la emisión de las estrellas a partir d
    The new instrument MEGARA, installed last March on the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC), at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (Garafía, La Palma), last night made its first observation after the necessary period of setting up and testing. They were able to obtain high quality data of some key objects such as the galaxy first explored by the Complutense university, known as UCM2325+2318, as well as the galaxies Haro 44 and NGC 77469. In the false colour image of the galaxy UCM2325+2318 the emission from the nitrogen and the hydrogen in the warm (10,000 degree) gas are shown
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