
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • Franciso Sánchez inaugurates the conference "50 años de thesis doctorales en el IAC"
    This meeting of researchers linked to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and its Observatories opened yesterday with a lectura by Francisco Sanchez, the founding Director, and the first full professor of astrophysics in Spain, in which he told us about how this scientific speciality was born and consolidated in Spain, a history which is related in his book “Dreaming of the Stars” (Soñando Estrellas). His talk was preceded by a formal act of inauguration, with authorities and organizers, and a talk by the present Director of the IAC, Rafael Rebolo, about the present and the future
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  • Nayra Rodríguez, IAC astrophysicist divulger, during the presentation of the course "Astronomy Adventure in the Canary Islands"
    The V International Summer Course “Astronomy Adventure in the Canary Islands”, organized by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and designed to train primary and secondary school teachers, has started. For a week 30 teachers from 5 countries will particate in lectures and practical workshops on astronomy, and will gain first hand experience of how work is carried out in the Observatories.
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  • Cover of the inaugural conference "Impulsando la Astrofísica en España: 50 años de thesis doctorales en el IAC" (Promoting Astrophysics in Spain: 50 years of doctoral theses at the IAC)
    The Founding Director of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) Francisco Sánchez, will give the inaugural lecture of the conference “Giving an impulse to Spanish Astrophysics: 50 years of doctoral theses in the IAC” this Wednesday at the Teatro Leal in La Laguna, in a public ceremony. He will talk about the birth and the consolidation of this branch of science in Spain, which is the subject of his recent book.
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  • Round table of the summer school "Acercate al Cosmos"
    For the fourth successive year the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and the National Institute for Educational Technology and Teacher Training (INTEF), in collaboration with the International Menéndez Pelayo University (UIMP) has given teachers of secondary and pre-university education the opportunity to get to know the latest discoveries in astrophysics in a course given by professionals, thereby acquiring the tools for using them afterwards in the classroom.
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  • From left to right: Aleix Roig, Ignacio Trujillo y Raúl Infante-Sáinz. Credit: Alejandra Rueda Moral (IAC).
    During the past week over a hundred specialists from all over the world have been meeting in La Laguna to discuss the study, in different areas of astrophysics, of the faintest and most diffuse objects in the sky. But no only professional astronomers have attended the meeting, organized by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union (IAU). The participation of amateur astronomers is of importance for improving our knowledge of these “ghostly” structures.
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