Procedure for PRTR orders

Every document need is located at:

  • It is mandatory to include 3 things in the request for offers to companies for PRTR purchases:
    • Minor contract obligations. For each purchase, the document must be filled out in the shaded parts of it (instructions also in the cloud, in the NOTES document). The Word must be converted to PDF and attached to the offer once filled out for each case.
    • DACI for minor contracts, at an informative level, without it being necessary for the company to sign it at the time of requesting an offer*.
    • Text to be included in the email: "This contract will be financed with the EU Recovery and Resilience Mechanism. A PDF file is attached with the obligations to which you will be subject if you are awarded the contract."
  • It is mandatory to request 3 offers for purchases of more than €5,000, except in very justified cases**. It is important to save all emails and communications with companies, both the initial one that you send with everything that needs to be included and the responses from the companies (they are asking for them).
  • Fill out the expense and supplier justification for each case, specifying above all the paragraph with the justification and the economic details (PEP element, Fund, etc.).
  • DACI to sign as manager. If you are going to manage purchases, it is important that you sign the corresponding DACI and send it to Elvira Pereyra (elvira.pereyra [at] (elvira[dot]pereyra[at]iac[dot]es)).
  • Declaration of the IAC Code of Ethics and Anti-Fraud. It is necessary to accept it if you are going to manage purchases, so that there are no problems:

*Important note: the DACI for minor contracts, which must be signed by the legal representative of the company if it is awarded the contract (if not, it is not valid), will be sent by Contracting once the company is awarded the contract.

**: Very specific supply or service that is not provided by at least 3 companies or a single authorized distributor in the national territory. It must be well justified in the expense and supplier justification document, as well as including the contact emails with these companies as annexes to the order request.