EELabs (eelabs.eu) is a project financed by the INTERREG V-A MAC 2014-2020 Programme, co-financed by the FEDER (European Regional Development Fund) of the European Union, under contract number MAC2/4.6d/238. Five centres in Macaronesia work in EELabs (IAC, ITER, UPGC, SPEA-Azores, SPEA-Madeira).MiquelSerra Ricart
EDiFiSE - Equalized and Diffraction-limited field spectrograph experiment - is an instrument developed by IAC for tehcnological demonstration. It includes one Adaptive Optics system and one Equalized Integral Field Unit Spectrograph.José AntonioAcosta PulidoDr.Jesús Jiménez Fuensalida
Improvement and modernisation of the seeing monitor, which was developed at the IAC and has been in regular use since 1995.CasianaMuñoz Tuñón
The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the IAC has signed the ERDF Agreement INSIDE-OOCC (8,139 keuros) to guarantee the implementation of 11 actions of the Strategic Plan approved for the
MarcosReyes García-Talavera -
The main objective of this proposal is to provide the instrumentation area of the IAC with the necessary experience to develop and program data acquisition systems, in the microwave range, based on
José AlbertoRubiño MartínLuis FernandoRodríguez RamosRoger JohnHoyland -
DAGAL is an ambitious network formed of six research groups in Spain, Germany, Finland, France, and the Netherlands. The network will collaborate very closely with the Spitzer Survey of Stellar
The detection of the axion would be one of the most important events in the history of science. This hypothetical particle can simultaneously solve two fundamental questions of modern physics: the
Javier de Miguel -
In addition to being a long-postulated particle that satisfactorily explains the absence of the neutron’s dipole moment observed in laboratories while addressing the charge-parity problem in quantum
Javier deMiguel Hernández -
(Only in Spanish)
Observar el Cosmos, estudiarlo, cuestionar su origen y sus límites son aspectos fundamentales tratados por las ciencias, las artes y, en general, por la historia del pensamiento