The Nature of Low-Ionization Microstructures in PNe
We discuss here the nature of a rich zoo of knots, filaments, jets and jet-like systems, located--in terms of morphology and kinematics--either inside or...
The Local Group provides an interesting and representative sample of galaxies in the rest of the Universe. The high accuracy with which many problems can be...
The Nature, Purpose and Future of Conference Proceedings
Published conference proceedings have been called both a great advancement and a despicable curse for astronomy. In reality, they simply fill a niche that any...
Near-Infrared J H K images are presented for a small sample of HII galaxies observed at UKIRT. Based on NIR colours, comparison with the stellar population...
The Near-Infrared S0 Survey: A Study of Bar Strengths in Early-Type Galaxies
The Near-Infrared S0 Survey (NIRS0S; Laurikainen, Salo, and Buta 2005, MNRAS, 362, 1319) is an attempt to obtain a statistically well-defined database of images...