Carlos Manuel
Gutiérrez de La Cruz
Date and time
11 Jun 2021 - 15:50 Europe/London
Talk language
Serie number
Streaming link
The New Robotic Telescope (NRT) and the Center for Optics (CSOA) are two of the IAC's most ambitious technology initiatives for the next few years. On the one hand, NRT will be the most powerful robotic telescope in the world allowing the Spanish astrophysics community to play a leading role in the field of time domain astrophysics, while CSOA will provide the optics for NRT and will become an infrastructure unique to produce the optics for instrumental projects (telescopes and instrumentation) in ground based and space astronomy. This presentation aims to review the status of both initiatives and plans for the future.
This talk was given at the "Día de Nuestra Ciencia 2021" conference:
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IACTEC Large Telescopes: New Robotic Telescope - NRT
The NRT (New Robotic Telescope) is a project to design and build a 4-meter telescope within five years, which from the ORM will operate in a totally autonomous and robotic way. This form of operation will make it the largest robotic telescope in the world.
Carlos Manuel
Gutiérrez de La Cruz

Advanced Optical Systems Center (CSOA)
The Advanced Optical Systems Center (CSOA) is an unique infrastructure in Spain for the manufacture of high quality optical elements. This cutting-edge technology is a rising value and, with the necessary requirements in Astrophysics, it is available to very few centers in the world.
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López Aguerri