OOCC: the new astronomer portal of the IAC

Date and time
5 Sep 2016 - 12:30 Europe/London


Talk language
Slides language

In coincidence with the announcement of the call for proposal of the Spanish night CAT for semester 2017A, we present the new web page OOCC. This is the new astronomer portal of the IAC, and it targets the Spanish community with all the necessary information to access and observe with any telescope at both Observatorios Astronomicos de Canarias, that is the Observatorio del Teide and the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos. The new portal, developed by the IAC Telescope Operation Group in agreement with the Presidents of both the night and the solar CATs, supersedes the old www.iac.es/cat and www.iac.es/telescopes pages. In this talk we will present the most important aspects and possibilities of the portal.