CoRoT Measures Solar-Like Oscillations and Granulation in Stars Hotter Than the Sun

Michel, Eric; Baglin, Annie; Auvergne, Michel; Catala, Claude; Samadi, Reza; Baudin, Frédéric; Appourchaux, Thierry; Barban, Caroline; Weiss, Werner W.; Berthomieu, Gabrielle; Boumier, Patrick; Dupret, Marc-Antoine; Garcia, Rafael A.; Fridlund, Malcolm; Garrido, Rafael; Goupil, Marie-Jo; Kjeldsen, Hans; Lebreton, Yveline; Mosser, Benoît; Grotsch-Noels, Arlette; Janot-Pacheco, Eduardo; Provost, Janine; Roxburgh, Ian W.; Thoul, Anne; Toutain, Thierry; Tiphène, Didier; Turck-Chieze, Sylvaine; Vauclair, Sylvie D.; Vauclair, Gérard P.; Aerts, Conny; Alecian, Georges; Ballot, Jérôme; Charpinet, Stéphane; Hubert, Anne-Marie; Lignières, François; Mathias, Philippe; Monteiro, Mario J. P. F. G.; Neiner, Coralie; Poretti, Ennio; Renan de Medeiros, José; Ribas, Ignasi; Rieutord, Michel L.; Roca Cortés, T.; Zwintz, Konstanze
Bibliographical reference

Science, Volume 322, Issue 5901, pp. 558- (2008).

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Oscillations of the Sun have been used to understand its interior structure. The extension of similar studies to more distant stars has raised many difficulties despite the strong efforts of the international community over the past decades. The CoRoT (Convection Rotation and Planetary Transits) satellite, launched in December 2006, has now measured oscillations and the stellar granulation signature in three main sequence stars that are noticeably hotter than the sun. The oscillation amplitudes are about 1.5 times as large as those in the Sun; the stellar granulation is up to three times as high. The stellar amplitudes are about 25% below the theoretic values, providing a measurement of the nonadiabaticity of the process ruling the oscillations in the outer layers of the stars.
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