Estalella, Robert; López, Rosario; Anglada, Guillem; Gomez-Velarde, G.; Riera, Angels; Carrasco-González, Carlos
Bibliographical reference
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 144, Issue 2, article id. 61 (2012).
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Refereed citations
We present new [S II] images of the Herbig-Haro (HH) 30 jet and
counterjet observed in 2006, 2007, and 2010 that, combined with previous
data, allowed us to measure with improved accuracy the positions and
proper motions of the jet and counterjet knots. Our results show that
the motion of the knots is essentially ballistic, with the exception of
the farthest knots, which trace the large-scale "C"-shape bending of the
jet. The observed bending of the jet can be produced by a relative
motion of the HH 30 star with respect to its surrounding environment,
caused either by a possible proper motion of the HH 30 star, or by the
entrainment of environment gas by the red lobe of the nearby L1551-IRS5
outflow. Alternatively, the bending can be produced by the stellar wind
from a nearby classical T Tauri star, identified in the Two Micron All
Sky Survey catalog as J04314418+181047. The proper motion velocities of
the knots of the counterjet show more variations than those of the jet.
In particular, we identify two knots of the counterjet that have the
same kinematic age but whose velocities differ by almost a factor of
two. Thus, it appears from our observations that counterjet knots
launched simultaneously can be ejected with very different velocities.
We confirm that the observed wiggling of the jet and counterjet arises
from the orbital motion of the jet source in a binary system.
Precession, if present at all, is of secondary importance in shaping the
jet. We derive an orbital period of τ o = 114 ± 2
yr and a mass function of mμ3 c = 0.014
± 0.006 M &sun;. For a mass of the system of m =
0.45 ± 0.04 M &sun; (the value inferred from
observations of the CO kinematics of the disk), we obtain a mass of
mj = 0.31 ± 0.04 M &sun; for the jet
source, a mass of mc = 0.14 ± 0.03 M
&sun; for the companion, and a binary separation of a =
18.0 ± 0.6 AU. This binary separation coincides with the value
required to account for the size of the inner hole observed in the disk,
which has been attributed to tidal truncation in a binary system.
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