Tress, M.; Ferreras, I.; Pérez-González, P. G.; Bressan, A.; Barro, G.; Domínguez-Sánchez, H.; Eliche-Moral, C.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 488, Issue 2, p.2301-2311
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Refereed citations
A diverse range of dust attenuation laws is found in star-forming
galaxies. In particular, Tress et al. (2018) studied the SHARDS survey
to constrain the NUV bump strength (B) and the total-to-selective ratio
(RV) of 1753 star-forming galaxies in the GOODS-N field at
1.5 < z < 3. We revisit here this sample to assess the
implications and possible causes of the correlation found between
RV and B. The UVJ bicolour plot and main sequence of star
formation are scrutinized to look for clues into the observed trend. The
standard boundary between quiescent and star-forming galaxies is
preserved when taking into account the wide range of attenuation
parameters. However, an additional degeneracy - regarding the effective
attenuation law - is added to the standard loci of star-forming galaxies
in the UVJ diagram. A simple phenomenological model with an
age-dependent extinction (at fixed dust composition) is compatible with
the observed trend between RV and B, whereby the opacity
decreases with the age of the populations, resulting in a weaker NUV
bump when the overall attenuation is shallower (greyer). In addition, we
compare the constraints obtained by the SHARDS sample with dust models
from the literature, supporting a scenario where geometry could
potentially drive the correlation between RV and B.
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