Strohmayer, Tod; Shanthi, K.; Linares, M.; Altamirano, Diego; Kalamkar, Maithili; Pawar, Devraj D.; Bhattacharya, Dipankar; Klis, Michiel van der
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 433, Issue 3, p.2436-2444
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Refereed citations
We report the discovery of kHz quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in
three Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations of the low-mass X-ray
binary XTE J1701-407. In one of the observations we detect a kHz QPO
with a characteristic frequency of 1153 ± 5 Hz, while in the
other two observations we detect twin QPOs at characteristic frequencies
of 740 ± 5, 1112 ± 17 Hz and 740 ± 11, 1098
± 5 Hz. All detections happen when XTE J1701-407 was in its
high-intensity soft state, and their single-trial significance is in the
3.1-7.5σ range. The frequency difference in the centroid
frequencies of the twin kHz QPOs (385 ± 13 Hz) is one of the
largest seen till date. The 3-30 keV fractional rms amplitude of the
upper kHz QPO varies between ˜18 and ˜30 per cent. XTE
J1701-407, with a persistent luminosity close to 1 per cent of the
Eddington limit, is among the small group of low-luminosity kHz QPO
sources and has the highest rms for the upper kHz QPO detected in any
source. The X-ray spectral and variability characteristics of this
source indicate its atoll source nature.
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