Infrared observations of metal-deficient stars

Arribas, S.; Martinez Roger, C.
Bibliographical reference

Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series (ISSN 0365-0138), vol. 70, no. 3, Sept. 1987, p. 303-310.

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Infrared magnitudes in the J, H, K and L bands for 64 metal-deficient stars spanning a wide range in effective temperature, luminosity and metal content are presented. An accuracy of 0.02 magnitude is obtained for the JHK bands and 0.03 for the L filter. Infrared-infrared and optical-infrared colour-colour diagrams are discussed and compared with the mean intrinsic tracks for Population I stars. It is concluded that infrared colours are not notably dependent on metallicity, with some exceptions for the reddest giants, which can be also interpreted by residual effects in the transformation equations between different systems. The authors also discuss briefly the near infrared photometric system of the Observatorio del Teide, from the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias.