Choi, Youngwoo; Kwon, Woojin; Pattle, Kate; Arzoumanian, Doris; Bourke, Tyler L.; Hoang, Thiem; Hwang, Jihye; Koch, Patrick M.; Sadavoy, Sarah; Bastien, Pierre; Furuya, Ray; Lai, Shih-Ping; Qiu, Keping; Ward-Thompson, Derek; Berry, David; Byun, Do-Young; Chen, Huei-Ru Vivien; Chen, Wen Ping; Chen, Mike; Chen, Zhiwei; Ching, Tao-Chung; Cho, Jungyeon; Choi, Minho; Choi, Yunhee; Coudé, Simon; Chrysostomou, Antonio; Chung, Eun Jung; Dai, Sophia; Debattista, Victor; Di Francesco, James; Diep, Pham Ngoc; Doi, Yasuo; Duan, Hao-Yuan; Duan, Yan; Eswaraiah, Chakali; Fanciullo, Lapo; Fiege, Jason; Fissel, Laura M.; Franzmann, Erica; Friberg, Per; Friesen, Rachel; Fuller, Gary; Gledhill, Tim; Graves, Sarah; Greaves, Jane; Griffin, Matt; Gu, Qilao; Han, Ilseung; Hasegawa, Tetsuo; Houde, Martin; Hull, Charles L. H.; Inoue, Tsuyoshi; Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro; Iwasaki, Kazunari; Jeong, Il-Gyo; Johnstone, Doug; Karoly, Janik; Könyves, Vera; Kang, Ji-hyun; Kang, Miju; Kataoka, Akimasa; Kawabata, Koji; Kemper, Francisca; Kim, Jongsoo; Kim, Shinyoung; Kim, Gwanjeong; Kim, Kyoung Hee; Kim, Mi-Ryang; Kim, Kee-Tae; Kim, Hyosung; Kirchschlager, Florian; Kirk, Jason; Kobayashi, Masato I. N.; Kusune, Takayoshi; Kwon, Jungmi; Lacaille, Kevin; Law, Chi-Yan; Lee, Chang Won; Lee, Hyeseung; Lee, Chin-Fei; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Lee, Sang-Sung; Li, Dalei; Li, Di; Li, Guangxing; Li, Hua-bai; Lin, Sheng-Jun; Liu, Hong-Li; Liu, Tie; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Liu, Junhao; Longmore, Steven; Lu, Xing; Lyo, A. -Ran; Mairs, Steve; Matsumura, Masafumi; Matthews, Brenda; Moriarty-Schieven, Gerald; Nagata, Tetsuya; Nakamura, Fumitaka et al.
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal
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We present 850 μm polarization observations of the IC 348 star-forming region in the Perseus molecular cloud as part of the B-fields In STar-forming Region Observation survey. We study the magnetic properties of two cores (HH 211 MMS and IC 348 MMS) and a filamentary structure of IC 348. We find that the overall field tends to be more perpendicular than parallel to the filamentary structure of the region. The polarization fraction decreases with intensity, and we estimate the trend by power law and the mean of the Rice distribution fittings. The power indices for the cores are much smaller than 1, indicative of possible grain growth to micron size in the cores. We also measure the magnetic field strengths of the two cores and the filamentary area separately by applying the Davis–Chandrasekhar–Fermi method and its alternative version for compressed medium. The estimated mass-to-flux ratios are 0.45–2.20 and 0.63–2.76 for HH 211 MMS and IC 348 MMS, respectively, while the ratios for the filament are 0.33–1.50. This result may suggest that the transition from subcritical to supercritical conditions occurs at the core scale (∼0.05 pc) in the region. In addition, we study the energy balance of the cores and find that the relative strength of turbulence to the magnetic field tends to be stronger for IC 348 MMS than for HH 211 MMS. The result could potentially explain the different configurations inside the two cores: a single protostellar system in HH 211 MMS and multiple protostars in IC 348 MMS.
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