Tortosa-Andreu, A.; Moreno-Insertis, F.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 507, Issue 2, 2009, pp.949-967
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Aims: We model the emergence of magnetized plasma across granular
convection cells and the low atmosphere, including layers up to the
mid-chromosphere. Methods: Three-dimensional numerical
experiments are carried out in which the equations of MHD and radiative
transfer are solved self-consistently. We use the MURaM code, which
assumes local thermodynamic equilibrium between plasma and radiation.
Results: In the photosphere, we find good agreement between our
simulation predictions and observational results obtained with the
Hinode satellite for the velocity and magnetic fields. We also confirm
earlier simulation results by other authors. Our experiments reveal a
natural mechanism of formation of twisted magnetic flux tubes that
results from the retraction of photospheric horizontal fields at new
intergranular lanes in decaying granules. In the chromosphere, we
present evidence for the non-radiative heating of the emerging
magnetized plasma due to the passage of shocks and/or ohmic dissipation.
We study the formation of high-temperature points in the magnetic
domain. We detect two types of points, classified according to whether
they have a photospheric counterpart or otherwise. We also find evidence
of those two types in Hinode observations. Using Lagrangian tracing of a
large statistical sample of fluid particles, we detect and study
episodes of convective collapse of magnetic elements returning to the
photosphere. On the other hand, we study the maximum heights reached by
all tracers, magnetized or otherwise. Only a small fraction (1.3%) of
the magnetic elements reach the mid-chromosphere (z>750 km), while
virtually no unmagnetized elements in the sample rise above the level of
the reverse granulation (a few 100 km above the photosphere). We find
that the rise into the chromosphere occurs in the form of successive
jumps with intermediate stops rather than in a smooth continuous fashion
and propose a tentative explanation of this behavior. Finally, also
using Lagrange tracing, we document the creation of high-temperature
points in the chromosphere via rising shock fronts.
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