Asensio Ramos, A.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 494, Issue 1, 2009, pp.287-294
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Refereed citations
Aims: We estimate the minimum length on which solar granulation can be
considered to be a Markovian process. Methods: We measure the
variation in the bright difference between two pixels in images of the
solar granulation for different distances between the pixels. This
scale-dependent data is empirically analyzed to find the minimum scale
on which the process can be considered Markovian. Results: The
results suggest that the solar granulation can be considered to be a
Markovian process on scales longer than r_M=300-500 km. On longer length
scales, solar images can be considered to be a Markovian stochastic
process that consists of structures of size r_M. Smaller structures
exhibit correlations on many scales simultaneously yet cannot be
described by a hierarchical cascade in scales. An analysis of the
longitudinal magnetic-flux density indicates that it cannot be a Markov
process on any scale. Conclusions: The results presented in this
paper constitute a stringent test for the realism of numerical
magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of solar magneto-convection. In
future exhaustive analyse, the non-Markovian properties of the magnetic
flux density on all analyzed scales might help us to understand the
physical mechanism generating the field that we detect in the solar
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