Fabbian, D.; Asplund, M.; Barklem, P. S.; Carlsson, M.; Kiselman, D.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 500, Issue 3, 2009, pp.1221-1238
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Refereed citations
Aims: A detailed study is presented, including estimates of the impact
on elemental abundance analysis, of the non-local thermodynamic
equilibrium (non-LTE) formation of the high-excitation neutral oxygen
777 nm triplet in model atmospheres representative of stars with
spectral types F to K. Methods: We have applied the statistical
equilibrium code MULTI to a number of plane-parallel MARCS atmospheric
models covering late-type stars (4500 ≤ T_eff ≤ 6500 K, 2 ≤ log
g ≤ 5 [cgs], and -3.5 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ 0). The atomic model employed
includes, in particular, recent quantum-mechanical electron collision
data. Results: We confirm that the O i triplet lines form under
non-LTE conditions in late-type stars, suffering negative abundance
corrections with respect to LTE. At solar metallicity, the non-LTE
effect, mainly attributed in previous studies to photon losses in the
triplet itself, is also driven by an additional significant contribution
from line opacity. At low metallicity, the very pronounced departures
from LTE are due to overpopulation of the lower level (3s ^5S^o) of the
transition. Large line opacity stems from triplet-quintet intersystem
electron collisions, a form of coupling previously not considered or
seriously underestimated. The non-LTE effects generally become severe
for models (both giants and dwarfs) with higher T_eff. Interestingly, in
metal-poor turn-off stars, the negative non-LTE abundance corrections
tend to rapidly become more severe towards lower metallicity. When
neglecting H collisions, they amount to as much as |Δlog
ɛ_O| ~ 0.9 dex and ~1.2 dex, respectively at [Fe/H] = -3 and
[Fe/H] = -3.5. Even when such collisions are included, the LTE abundance
remains a serious overestimate, correspondingly by |Δlog
ɛ_O| ~ 0.5 dex and ~0.9 dex at such low metallicities. Although
the poorly known inelastic hydrogen collisions thus remain an important
uncertainty, the large metallicity-dependent non-LTE effects seem to
point to a resulting “low” (compared to LTE) [O/Fe] in
metal-poor halo stars. Conclusions: Our results may be important
in solving the long-standing [O/Fe] debate. When applying the derived
non-LTE corrections, the LTE oxygen abundance inferred from the 777 nm
permitted triplet will be decreased substantially at low metallicity. If
the classical Drawin formula is employed for O+H collisions, the derived
[O/Fe] trend becomes almost flat below [Fe/H] ~ -1, in better agreement
with recent literature estimates generally obtained from other oxygen
abundance indicators. A value of [O/Fe] ⪉ +0.5 may therefore be
appropriate, as suggested by standard theoretical models of type II
supernovae nucleosynthetic yields. If neglecting impacts with H atoms
instead, [O/Fe] decreases towards lower [Fe/H], which would open new
questions. Our tests using ATLAS model atmospheres show that, though
non-LTE corrections for metal-poor dwarfs are smaller (by ~0.2 dex when
adopting efficient H collisions) than in the MARCS case, our main
conclusions are preserved, and that the LTE approach tends to seriously
overestimate the O abundance at low metallicity. However, in order to
finally reach consistency between oxygen abundances from the different
available spectral features, it is of high priority to reduce the large
uncertainty regarding H collisions, to undertake a full investigation of
the interplay of non-LTE and 3D effects, and to clarify the issue of the
temperature scale at low metallicity.
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