Song, Donguk; Ishikawa, Ryohko; Kano, Ryouhei; McKenzie, David E.; Trujillo Bueno, Javier; Auchère, Frédéric; Rachmeler, Laurel A.; Okamoto, Takenori J.; Yoshida, Masaki; Kobayashi, Ken; Bethge, Christian; Hara, Hirohisa; Shinoda, Kazuya; Shimizu, Toshifumi; Suematsu, Yoshinori; De Pontieu, Bart; Winebarger, Amy; Narukage, Noriyuki; Kubo, Masahito; Sakao, Taro; Asensio Ramos, Andrés; Belluzzi, Luca; Štěpán, Jiří; Carlsson, Mats; del Pino Alemán, Tanausú; Alsina Ballester, Ernest; Vigil, Genevieve D.; Leenaarts, Jorrit
Bibliographical reference
Solar Physics
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Refereed citations
We have developed an advanced UV spectropolarimeter called Chromospheric LAyer SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP2), aimed at achieving very high accuracy measurements (<0.1% at 3 σ ) of the linear (Q /I and U /I ) and circular (V /I ) polarizations of the Mg II h and k lines (280 nm). CLASP2 was launched on board a NASA sounding rocket on April 11, 2019. It successfully detected the full Stokes vector in an active-region plage and in the quiet Sun near the limb across the Mg II h and k lines for the first time. To verify the polarization characteristics of CLASP2, the response matrix is estimated by combining the results obtained from the preflight calibration on the ground, with the results of the inflight calibration acquired at the solar-disk center. We find that the response matrix of CLASP2 in the Mg II h and k lines is notably close to an ideal response matrix, i.e., the scale factor and the crosstalk terms are close to 1 and 0, respectively. Moreover, the uncertainty of each Stokes parameter estimated by the repeatability of the measurements is verified to be within the required tolerance. Based on our investigation, we conclude that CLASP2 achieves 0.1 % polarization accuracy at a 3 σ level.
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