Prominence oscillations

Arregui, I.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J. L.
Bibliographical reference

Living Reviews in Solar Physics, Volume 15, Issue 1, article id. 3, 154 pp.

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Prominences are intriguing, but poorly understood, magnetic structures of the solar corona. The dynamics of solar prominences has been the subject of a large number of studies, and of particular interest is the study of prominence oscillations. Ground- and space-based observations have confirmed the presence of oscillatory motions in prominences and they have been interpreted in terms of magnetohydrodynamic waves. This interpretation opens the door to perform prominence seismology, whose main aim is to determine physical parameters in magnetic and plasma structures (prominences) that are difficult to measure by direct means. Here, we review the observational information gathered about prominence oscillations as well as the theoretical models developed to interpret small and large amplitude oscillations and their temporal and spatial attenuation. Finally, several prominence seismology applications are presented.
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