Montes-Solís, M.; Arregui, I.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics
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Refereed citations
We use Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter (CoMP) observations of propagating waves in the solar corona together with Bayesian analysis to assess the evidence of models with resonant damping and foot-point wave power asymmetries. We considered two nested models: a reduced and a larger model. The reduced model considers resonant damping as the sole cause of the measured discrepancy between outward and inward wave power. The larger model contemplates an extra source of asymmetry with its origin in the foot-points. We first computed the probability distributions of parameters conditional on the models and the observed data. The obtained constraints were then used to calculate the evidence for each model in view of the data. We find that we need to consider the larger model to explain CoMP data and to accurately infer the damping ratio, hence, to better assess the possible contribution of the waves to coronal heating.
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