Jiménez, A.; García, R. A.
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Volume 184, Issue 2, pp. 288-297 (2009).
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Refereed citations
Gravity modes in the Sun have been the object of a long and difficult
search in recent decades. Thanks to the data accumulated with the last
generation of instruments (BiSON, GONG, and three helioseismic
instruments aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)),
scientists have been able to find signatures of their presence. However,
the individual detection of such modes remains evasive. In this article,
we study the signal at 220.7 μHz which is a peak that is present in
most of the helioseismic data of the last 10 years. This signal has
already been identified as being a component of a g-mode candidate
detected in the GOLF Doppler velocity signal. The nature of this peak is
studied in particular using the VIRGO/SPM instrument aboard SOHO. First
we analyze all the available instrumental data of VIRGO and SOHO
(housekeeping) to reject any possible instrumental origin. No relation
was found, implying that the signal has a solar origin. Using Monte
Carlo simulations, we find, with more than 99% confidence level, that
the signal found in VIRGO/SPM is very unlikely to be due to pure noise.
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