Marlowe, H.; Kaaret, P.; Lang, C.; Feng, H.; Grisé, F.; Miller, N.; Cseh, D.; Corbel, S.; Mushotzky, R. F.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 444, Issue 1, p.642-650
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Refereed citations
We observed the Ultraluminous X-ray Source (ULX) IC 342 X-1
simultaneously in X-ray and radio with Chandra and the JVLA to
investigate previously reported unresolved radio emission coincident
with the ULX. The Chandra data reveal a spectrum that is much softer
than observed previously and is well modelled by a thermal accretion
disc spectrum. No significant radio emission above the rms noise level
was observed within the region of the ULX, consistent with the
interpretation as a thermal state though other states cannot be entirely
ruled out with the current data. We estimate the mass of the black hole
using the modelled inner disc temperature to be 30 M_{⊙} ≲
M√{cosi}≲ 200 M_{⊙} based on a Shakura-Sunyaev disc model.
Through a study of the hardness and high-energy curvature of available
X-ray observations, we find that the accretion state of X-1 is not
determined by luminosity alone.
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