Trujillo-Bueno, J.; Landi Degl'Innocenti, E.; Belluzzi, L.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 552, id.A72, 14 pp.
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Within the framework of the density matrix theory for the generation and
transfer of polarized radiation, velocity density matrix correlations
represent an important physical aspect that, however, is often neglected
in practical applications when adopting the simplifying approximation of
complete redistribution on velocity. In this paper, we present an
application of the non-LTE problem for polarized radiation taking such
correlations into account through the velocity-space density matrix
formalism. We consider a two-level atom with infinitely sharp upper and
lower levels, and we derive the corresponding statistical equilibrium
equations, neglecting the contribution of velocity-changing collisions.
Coupling such equations with the radiative transfer equations for
polarized radiation, we derive a set of coupled equations for the
velocity-dependent source function. This set of equations is then
particularized to the case of a plane-parallel atmosphere. The equations
presented in this paper provide a complete and solid description of the
physics of pure Doppler redistribution, a phenomenon generally described
within the framework of the redistribution matrix formalism. The
redistribution matrix corresponding to this problem (generally referred
to as RI) is derived starting from the statistical
equilibrium equations for the velocity-space density matrix and from the
radiative transfer equations for polarized radiation, thus showing the
equivalence of the two approaches.
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