
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Asteroseismology and Spectropolarimetry of the Exoplanet Host Star λ Serpentis
    The bright star λ Ser hosts a hot Neptune with a minimum mass of 13.6 M ⊕ and a 15.5 day orbit. It also appears to be a solar analog, with a mean rotation period of 25.8 days and surface differential rotation very similar to the Sun. We aim to characterize the fundamental properties of this system and constrain the evolutionary pathway that led to
    Metcalfe, Travis S. et al.

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  • Bright submillimeter galaxies do trace galaxy protoclusters
    There is controversy in the literature regarding whether distant, massive, and dusty starbursts selected at (sub)millimeter wavelengths can trace galaxy overdensities. We thus performed the first systematic search for distant protoclusters around a homogeneously selected sample of 12 spectroscopically confirmed submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) at z ∼
    Calvi, Rosa et al.

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  • The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Behaviour of the Paschen lines during flares and quiescence
    The hydrogen Paschen lines are known activity indicators, but studies of them in M dwarfs during quiescence are as rare as their reports in flare studies. This situation is mostly caused by a lack of observations, owing to their location in the near-infrared regime, which is covered by few high-resolution spectrographs. We study the Paβ line, using
    Fuhrmeister, B. et al.

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  • A high fidelity Milky Way simulation with Kraken, Gaia-Enceladus, and Sequoia analogues: clues to their accretion histories
    Within a simulated Milky Way-like galaxy, we identify and analyse analogues of the Gaia-Enceladus (GE), Kraken, and Sequoia mergers that each matches remarkably well observational results, including in velocity and chemical abundance space, and their distributions in the j z-Energy plane. The Kraken analogue is the earliest merger and has the
    García-Bethencourt, Guacimara et al.

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  • Detection of optical emission from the supernova remnant G7.7-3.7
    We present the first optical study of the supernova remnant (SNR) G7.7-3.7, with the aim of determining its evolutionary phase since it has been suggested to be the remnant of SN 386 AD. We obtained narrow-band images in the filters H α + [N II], H β, [O III], [S II] that revealed faint optical emission in the southern region of the SNR consisting
    Domček, V. et al.

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  • QUIJOTE scientific results - X. Spatial variations of Anomalous Microwave Emission along the Galactic plane
    Anomalous microwave emission (AME) is an important emission component between 10 and 60 GHz that is not yet fully understood. It seems to be ubiquitous in our Galaxy and is observed at a broad range of angular scales. Here we use the new QUIJOTE-MFI wide survey data at 11, 13, 17, and 19 GHz to constrain the AME in the Galactic plane (|b| < 10°) on
    Fernández-Torreiro, M. et al.

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