
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Euclid preparation. XX. The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation survey: LBT observations and data release
    The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation survey (C3R2) is a spectroscopic program designed to empirically calibrate the galaxy color-redshift relation to the Euclid depth (I E = 24.5), a key ingredient for the success of Stage IV dark energy projects based on weak lensing cosmology. A spectroscopic calibration sample that is as
    Euclid Collaboration et al.

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  • Unitarization of infinite-range forces: graviton-graviton scattering
    A method to unitarize the scattering amplitude produced by infinite-range forces is developed and applied to Born terms. In order to apply S-matrix techniques, based on unitarity and analyticity, we first derive an S-matrix free of infrared divergences. This is achieved by removing a divergent phase factor due to the interactions mediated by the
    Blas, D. et al.

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