
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • WASP-92b, WASP-93b and WASP-118b: three new transiting close-in giant planets
    We present the discovery of three new transiting giant planets, first detected with the WASP telescopes, and establish their planetary nature with follow up spectroscopy and ground-based photometric light curves. WASP-92 is an F7 star, with a moderately inflated planet orbiting with a period of 2.17 d, which has Rp = 1.461 ± 0.077RJ and Mp = 0.805
    Hay, K. L. et al.

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  • Water Vapor Monitoring at the Roque de LOS Muchachos Observatory
    We present the first results from a long-term campaign of water vapor monitoring at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (Canary Islands, Spain). This observatory is situated on a volcanic peak, on the small island of La Palma. Although its altitude is relatively low (2400 meters), our initial site-testing, taken for site selection for the
    Rodriguez-Espinosa, J. M. et al.

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  • What Are the Goals of Popularising Astronomy for Scientists and Society?
    This project addresses the reasons that may motivate efforts to popularize astronomy. Data relevant to this research question were collected by means of focus groups involving professional astronomers at a large Spanish research institute, followed by a questionnaire to the same group of people. The data showed that the main driver for astronomy
    Luridiana, V.

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  • What Can We Learn on the Structure and the Dynamics of the Solar Core with g Modes?
    The detection of the signature of dipole gravity modes has opened the path to study the solar inner radiative zone. Indeed, g modes should be the best probes to infer the properties of the solar nuclear core that represents more than half of the total mass of the Sun. Concerning the dynamics of the solar core, we can study how future observations
    Mathur, S. et al.

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  • What do we really know about Spiral Galaxy Morphology
    stronomers have long learned to classify spirals in terms of their morphological features, primarily their bulges, discs, and bars. In addition other properties of discs are used in classification, notably spiral arms, warps and truncations. In this paper we show how with modern techniques parts of the basis of these standard classifications are
    Beckman, J. E. et al.

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  • What is the Milky Way outer halo made of?. High resolution spectroscopy of distant red giants
    In a framework where galaxies form hierarchically, extended stellar haloes are predicted to be an ubiquitous feature around Milky Way-like galaxies and to consist mainly of the shredded stellar component of smaller galactic systems. The type of accreted stellar systems are expected to vary according to the specific accretion and merging history of
    Battaglia, G. et al.

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