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New results of lightning observationsNot AvailableBerger, K. et al.
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01969 -
Contribución al conocimiento del medio interplanetario por fotometría de la luz zodiacal.Not AvailableSanchez Martinez, F.
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01969 -
Contribución al conocimiento del medio interplanetario per fotometría y polarimetría de la luz zodiacal.Not AvailableSanchez Martinez, F.
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01969 -
Solar Events at One Millimetre WavelengthClark and Park1 reported regions of enhanced variable emission at millimetre wavelengths on the solar disk. In this communication I compare mechanisms, and suggest a model for these sources.Beckman, J. E.
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101968 -
Photométrie des régions du zodiaque en quadrature avec le Soleil et distribution possible des matériaux interplanétaires diffusantsNot AvailableDumont, R. et al.
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