Talk type: Particle astrophysics, physical data and processes
Buried in the noise.
As astrophysicists, we are used to extracting physical information from the observations. The usual procedure is to propose a parametric physical model to...
Computación cuántica: física-matemática o matemática-física.
En una parte preliminar se recordarán unos pocos hechos experimentales obtenidos durante las últimas décadas, con énfasis en fenómenos puramente cuánticos como...
Las clases se impartirán en el aula los días 4, 5 y 6 de noviembre de 2008 en horario de 10:30 a 12:30 Programa del curso: 1.- Introduction 2.- Electromagnetic...
Axion detection would be one of the most exciting moments in the entire history of science. This hypothetical particle can simultaneously explain two...
Discerning the location of the gamma-ray emission region in AGN blazars from multi-messenger and multi-spectral-range observations
Relativistic jets in AGN in general, and in blazars in particular, are the most energetic and among the most powerful astrophysical objects known so far. Their...
Electron densities in HII regions across galaxy discs
When we measure the electron density within an H II region using ratios of emission lines we find characteristic values in the range of 100-300 cm -3. But when...
Extragalactic background light and its implications for galaxy evolution and gamma-ray astronomy
The extragalactic background light (EBL) is of fundamental importance both for understanding the entire process of galaxy evolution and for gamma-ray astronomy...