Optical Photometric GTC/OSIRIS Observations of the Young Massive Association Cygnus OB2.
In order to fully understand the gravitational collapse of molecular clouds, the star formation process, and the evolution of circumstellar disks, these...
Orbital and Physical Properties of the sigma Ori Aa, Ab, B Triple System.
We provide a complete characterization of the astrophysical properties of the σ Ori Aa, Ab, B hierarchical triple system and an improved set of orbital...
Origin of stellar prolate rotation in a cosmologically simulated faint dwarf
In the current cosmological model, galaxies are formed in a hierarchical way, by merging with each other. These mergers can lead to kinematic anomalies that can...
El telescopio MAGIC detecta la emisión de rayos gamma de mayor energía conocida hasta la fecha en el púlsar del Cangrejo. El telescopio de rayos gamma MAGIC ha...
Se descubren en el espacio interestelar moléculas clave para la formación de estructuras básicas de la vida. Se ha logrado identificar una de las moléculas de...
Demostramos que existe una población de TNOs, de la cual 2003 EL61 es el objeto de mayor tamaño, que se mueven en órbitas muy similares y cuyas superficies...
A possible explanation has been discovered for the UV peak at 2175A based on the presence of fullerenes and buckyonians in interstellar matter. This is a...
Post-common envelope binaries as the precursors of extremely red old stars
Modelling dust formation in single stars evolving through the carbon-star stage of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) (i.e., the late evolutionary stages of Sun...