Numerical invetigation of the environment and evolution of galaxies

In force date
Call year
Amount granted to the IAC Consortium
181.258,00 €

Cosmological simulations of galaxy formation have increasingly become instrumental tools in advancing our understanding of structure formation in the Universe. Such simulations follow the nonlinear evolution of galaxies by modelling the essential physical processes involved in galaxy formation over a huge range of temporal and spatial scales. Improved understanding of the relevant physical processes, better numerical methods and increased computing power have allowed simulations to reproduce an increasing number of the observed galaxy properties. However issues persist on several fronts, including statistics of large scale structure, the formation of galaxy clusters, the detailed evolution of the Milky Way galaxy, the formation of very faint galaxies, and the structure of dark matter halos. All the issues have implications for the cold dark matter cosmological paradigm. Solving these issues will require continued improvements of simulation codes and analysis methods, which our project aims to achieve. 

Our standing issue is the effects of baryon physics on the structure formation on the largest scales. Our group at the IAC is developing physical models that are calibrated to allow low resolution, extremely large volume simulations, to test these effects on scales relevant for cosmology. On scales of galaxy clusters, using the Cluster-EAGLE simulations we will provide reliable galaxy stellar mass and luminosity functions that resembles tightly observations of nearby cluster galaxies, with the advantage of being able to follow their evolution. 

Regarding the Milky Way galaxy, our group will use our simulations, along with IAC collaborators working on ages of stellar populations, to unravel fine details of the formation and evolution of our own Galaxy, including the process that formed tge thick disc, and the manner in which low metallicity gas is accreted and the timescale of its mixing with pre existing enriched disc gas. 

On the scale of dwarf galaxies, we will examine in detail physics leading to the process of halo expansion, which can resolve the discrepancy between the inner density profiles of dark profiles of dark matter halos and those of observed dwarf galaxies. We will look for observational signatures in chemical abundance space that can help us constrain those physical processes, and constrain which of the various models of star formation and supernova feedback are favoured. 

Amongst state-of-the-art research in dwarf galaxies, we will explore the possibilty of an undiscovered population of ultra diffuse galaxies in the Local Group, with numerical simulations. 

Finally, and timely, we will study in detail the effect of AGN feedback on dwarf galaxies, driven by the mounting evidence that this type of feedback exists in observations.

In order to perform the simulations needed to tackle the proposed research, we will continue the development of our already advanced code for cosmological, hydrodynamics simulations, adding the required numerical modules that best describe the physical processes of interest. 

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