TEIDESAT - TEchincal INvestigation and DEVelopment to SATellites

In force date
Call year
Oscoz Abad
Financial institution
Amount granted to the IAC Consortium
68.380,00 €

Since its origin in December 2017, the TEIDESAT project was founded and is formed and led by a team of students, initially from the University of La Laguna and, later, also from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and other universities, whose objective is to develop its own space mission. In particular, the goal is to design, manufacture, put into orbit and operate the first nanosatellite (CubeSat) from canarian universities, which will have optical downlink communications capabilities between Low Earth Orbit and Earth. The mission originates from the Canary Islands but has an international scope.

The members of the TEIDESAT team have shown great initiative, work capacity and commitment, developing the necessary skills and obtaining the essential knowledge to be part of the incipient aerospace industry in the Canary Islands, both through the attraction of companies in the aerospace sector and through entrepreneurship. Initiatives such as TEIDESAT increase the qualified workforce on the islands and encourage the creation of new technology-based companies with great added value, preferably based on the Polo Científico-Tecnológico de Tenerife.