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  • Design of the Coudé Light Distribution for the European Solar Telescope
    One of the main goals of the European Solar Telescope (EST), a 4.2-m telescope, is to clarify the roots of the magnetic processes taking place in the solar atmosphere. This goal has a top-level requirement: perform simultaneous spectropolarimetric measurements in multiple spectral lines. For this purpose, EST will be equipped with a set of
    Feijóo Amoedo, N. et al.

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  • Development of a 35-micron slicer-based Integral Field Unit for high-resolution 2D solar spectroscopy
    Integral Field Spectropolarimetry (IFS) makes feasible the simultaneous measurement of a 2D field with the use of an Integral Field Unit (IFU). Slicer-based IFUs rearrange an input 2D Field of View (FoV) to an output long-slit that is used to feed a standard spectrograph. The spatial resolution reachable with this technique is determined by the
    Regalado Olivares, Silvia et al.

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  • Dynamic modeling, control and simulation of the EST Telescope structure: quantifying performance during tracking operation
    The European Solar Telescope (EST) is a 4-m class solar telescope that will include a multi-conjugate adaptive optics system (MCAO) integrated in the telescope optical path. Currently, the EST is in its preliminary design phase, in which different alternatives for the main telescope subsystems must be proposed and evaluated to meet the main
    Gonzalez-Cava, Jose M. et al.

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  • Euclid near infrared spectrometer and photometer instrument flight model presentation, performance, and ground calibration results summary
    The NISP (Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer) is one of the two Euclid instruments (see ref [1]). It operates in the near-IR spectral region (950-2020nm) as a photometer and spectrometer. The instrument is composed of: - a cold (135K) optomechanical subsystem consisting of a Silicon carbide structure, an optical assembly, a filter wheel
    Maciaszek, T. et al.

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  • Experience of utilising CI/CD practices in the development of software for a modern astronomical observatory
    The 4m class New Robotic Telescope being built on La Palma, Canary Islands, will build upon the successful autonomous robotic operations model of the Liverpool Telescope. The software stack brings together Telescope Level Systems built using an adaptation from the GranTeCan Control System, with a new Robotic Control System replacing a human
    Bento, Joao et al.

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  • Final design of the GTC laser guide star wavefront sensor
    The Laser Guide Star Facility (LGSF) of GTC will generate a laser guide star (LGS) in the high atmosphere for the GTC Adaptive Optics System (GTCAO) to measure and correct the effect of the atmospheric turbulence. The GTCAO LGS Wavefront Sensor (LWS) will be based on a Shack Hartmann WFS and placed on the GTCAO optical bench, where the Natural
    Simoes, R. et al.

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