This book includes four chapters devoted to techniques and interpretation of solar observations. The chapter on high spatial resolution techniques considers...
The loopy Sun: resolving the small-scale solar magnetism
Solar magnetism may look deceptively boring (a rather common star with relatively low activity). As it turns out, even the most quiet areas of the Sun (away...
This talk will give an overview of our understanding of the Sun in the 1960's, the major discoveries since then, and the main questions that need to be answered...
The Observational and Numerical Analysis of the Rayleigh–Taylor Instability beneath a Hedgerow Prominence
Using Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope Crisp Imaging Spectro-Polarimeter 6563 Å (Hα) observations and MANCHA3D simulations, we analyze the formation and evolution of...
Turbulence and Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares
A solar flare involves the conversion of magnetic energy stored in the coronal magnetic field into the kinetic energy of thermal and non-thermal particles, mass...