Evidence for the rapid internal rotation of the sun obtained from Doppler shift measurements of the Fraunhofer absorption lines is reported. An improved version...
Rotation of the solar interior: compatibility of different helioseismic data sets
Accurate determination of the rotation rate in the inner radiative zone (0.2 r/Rsolar 0.5) of the sun from helioseismic observations requires rotational...
An analysis of the frequency spectrum of the amplitude modulation of specific l = 1 p modes was carried out. A mean rotational splitting value of 0.74 mHz was...
Rotational splitting measurements of less than 5 p-modes are calculated using different sources of data. For l=1, data obtained from years 1981 to 1985 is used...
Secular variations in the spectrum of solar p-modes
The solar p-mode spectrum of very low l is measured with high accuracy for a long enough period of time so as to allow the search for solar cycle variations. In...
Data from solar line of sight velocity measurements are presented to demonstrate the existence of a synodic signal with a 6.5 m/sec amplitude. Recordings of...
This book includes four chapters devoted to techniques and interpretation of solar observations. The chapter on high spatial resolution techniques considers...
Solar oscillations from two widely separated stations
Potassium line data from observatories in Hawaii and Spain were used to establish the authenticity of complex solar oscillation signals. Combination of the two...
Storage of magnetic flux tubes in a convective overshoot region
Consideration is given to the suppression of the radial and polar escape of magnetic flux in the form of toroidal flux tubes (flux rings) from low latitudes in...