Lines of research: Formation & Evolution of Galaxies (FYEG)
Formation & Evolution of Galaxies (FYEG)
Galaxies are formed progressively through a complex combination of gas accretion, star formation and merger processes with other galaxies. The aim of the Galaxy Formation & Evolution research line is to unveil the physical mechanisms responsible for the most significant transformations in these objects. The research team that makes up the research line is strongly involved in the development of forefront instrumentation (EMIR, FRIDA, GTCAO, HARMONI, OSIRIS, WEAVE) and has an important role in the scientific exploitation and development of international projects (SDSS, EUCLID, LSST) for the study of the formation and evolution of galaxies.
The line stands out for studies on the three-dimensional structure of the Milky Way (including its system of globular clusters and satellite galaxies), the characterisation of stellar populations and dynamics of nearby galaxies, the cycle of activity of supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies, the conditions of the interstellar medium in the first galaxies, and the role of dark matter in their evolution. Besides, thanks to the recently created simulations group, we also aim to relate observations with theory by means of numerical models over cosmological volumes and thus obtain predictions for future observations.
“Las nubes de Andrómeda”, Astronomy Picture of the Day
At the beginning of last year, the newly released Astrograph STC (Sky Treasure Chest) of the Unit of Communication and Scientific Culture of the Canary Islands...