Although located at 150 million kilometers from Earth, the Sun is in our immediate neighborhood compared with all other stars. The observation of the Sun along the decades has provided amazingly detailed views of the structure and day-to-day life of a star; the high-resolution observations achieved from Earth and space in recent years, in particular, have facilitated reaching deep theoretical insights concerning the structure and evolution of stellar atmospheres and interiors.
The Sun constitutes a physics laboratory where the complex interactions between the matter (atoms, electrons and ions, or molecules) and the magnetic field can be studied in conditions difficult to reach in devices on Earth. Of particular interest for the public are the spectacular phenomena displayed by its atmosphere, its role in generating the magnetized clouds that, after traversing the interplanetary space, can impact on Earth's magnetosphere and lead to the potentially dangerous solar storms, and the mysteries of the solar interior. Understanding of all those phenomena is gained by a combination of refined theoretical methods and direct or indirect observation using leading-edge technologies.
The solar physics group at the IAC enjoys a leadership position in different branches of solar research in the world. This is exemplified by the award of four large research grants by the European Research Council in the past years to researchers of the group, by its leading role in the European Solar Telescope project, and by its participation in other international networks and instrument projects. Globally, the group combines theoretical methods (magneto-fluid dynamics and plasma physics, radiation transfer), including 3D numerical radiation-MHD modeling, and state-of-the-art observational and diagnostic techniques, to achieve deep understanding of what constitutes and drives the structure and activity of our star.
Solar Physics (FS)
PublicationResolving the nuclear dust distribution of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 3081We report far-infrared (FIR) imaging of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 3081 in the range 70-500 μm, obtained with an unprecedented angular resolution, using the...
PublicationResonance scattering polarization in the magnetosphere of MercuryThe conditions of the exosphere of Mercury constitute a prime example of a magnetosphere subject to space weather. We aim at improving the diagnostic of the...
PublicationResonant absorption: Transformation of compressive motions into vortical motionsThis paper investigates the changes in spatial properties when magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves undergo resonant damping in the Alfvén continuum. The analysis is...
PublicationRetrieval of solar magnetic fields from high-spatial resolution filtergraph data: the Imaging Magnetograph eXperiment (IMaX)Context. The design of modern instruments does not only imply thorough studies of instrumental effects but also a good understanding of the scientific analysis...
PublicationReturning magnetic flux in sunspot penumbraeAims: We study the presence of reversed polarity magnetic flux in sunspot penumbra. Methods: We applied a new regularized method to deconvolve...
PublicationReversal-free Ca II H profiles: a challenge for solar chromosphere modeling in quiet inter-networkAims: We study chromospheric emission to understand the temperature stratification in the solar chromosphere. Methods: We observed the intensity profile of the...
PublicationRotating discs and non-kinematic double peaksDouble-peaked line profiles are commonly considered a hallmark of rotating discs, with the distance between the peaks a measure of the rotation velocity...
PublicationRubidium abundances in solar metallicity starsContext. Rubidium is one of the few elements produced by the neutron capture s- and r-processes in almost equal proportions. Recently, a Rb deficiency ([Rb/Fe]...
PublicationScattering Polarization and Hanle Effect in Stellar Atmospheres with Horizontal InhomogeneitiesScattering of light from an anisotropic source produces linear polarization in spectral lines and in the continuum. In the outer layers of a stellar atmosphere...