Roque de los Muchachos Observatory

Accommodation at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Residence is reserved for astrophysicists and other professionals who work at our facilities.
If you need to stay at the Observatory, you must reserve your accommodation and meals in advance of your arrival.
If you are only staying at the Observatory during the day and wish to have lunch or supper, you must make the appropriate meal reservation in advance of your arrival.
This leaflet shows how our Residence services are organized and contains information that you will find useful during your stay.
When driving to Roque de los Muchachos Observatory you should bear the following in mind:
Rules to follow when driving to the ORM in winter, during alerts, or in other hazardous situations;
Rules to follow when driving to the ORM during severe weather warnings and in extraordinary circumstances.
Transport Service (IAC personnel only)
Accommodation is available at:
The Residence, with 29 rooms (18 single and 11 double);
The Annexe, with 27 rooms (10 single and 17 double).
You may check the price of rooms here.
For the days you intend to be at the Observatory you must reserve lunch and supper by choosing among the menus offered for the current and following week.
At the end of your stay, please fill in the following questionnaire to let us know how satisfied you were with the service received.
If you have any questions or complaints, please email us at: reservasorm [at] (reservasorm[at]iac[dot]es).