Impressions and observations of a trip to Tenerife
"The famous astronomer Jean Mascart of the Paris Observatory came to Tenerife in 1910 along with other scientists to carry out various studies, including the observation of Halley's comet. Planetary
The European Space Agency has published the book The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate, which gathers the contributions to the first Euroconference SOLSPA (Solar and Space Weather Eurcoconferences)
La existencia de vida fuera de la Tierra ha sido un tema de interés para el ser humano desde sus orígenes. En la actualidad nos podemos plantear su búsqueda. Naves espaciales recorren el Sistema Solar
The IAC has published, together with the Museum of Science and the Cosmos of Tenerife, belonging to the Autonomous Organism of Museums and Centres of the Cabildo de Tenerife, the book of memoirs of
The laws of heaven. Astronomy and ancient civilizations
"This book deals with the origins of the human obsession with time and covers the cultures of prehistory and classical antiquity, analysing how the observation of the sky has given rise to festivities
Measurements of the Earth's surface temperature indicate that the Earth has undergone considerable warming in the last hundred years, probably due to the emission of gases from the burning of fossil