From left to right: Rafael Rebolo, Director of the IAC, Elena Máñez, Head of the Dept. of Economy, Knowledge and Employment of the Canary Government, Casiana Muñón-Tuñón, Deputy Director of the IAC, and Carlos Andrés Navarro, Director of the ACIISI.
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Elena Máñez Rodríguez, the Head of the Department of Economy, Knowledge and Employment of the Canary Government paid a visit this morning to the headquarters of the IAC in La Laguna, together with Carlos Andrés Navarro Martínez, the Director of the Canary Agency of Research, Innovation and the Information Society (ACIISI) accompanied by Rafael Rebolo López and Casiana Muñoz Tuñón, the Director and Deputy Director of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias.
During their visit to the installations of the IAC they were informed of the current situation of the IAC and of the Canary Observatories. Máñez will also be present at the annual meeting of the Governing Council of the IAC which will take place next month in La Laguna.