
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • A snapshot from TESS of part of the southern sky showing the location of ν Indi (marked by the blue circle), the plane of the Milky Way (bottom left) and the southern ecliptic pole (top). These snapshots come from data collected in TESS observing sectors 1, 12 and 13 Credit: J. T. Mackereth.
    Earlier this year, a team of astrophysicists has revealed new insights on an ancient collision that our galaxy the Milky Way underwent with another smaller galaxy called Gaia-Enceladus early in its history. However the details on how and when that collision happened are not precisely known. The study of a single bright star called nu Indi, for which data from the NASA mission TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite), the ESA Gaia mission, and ground-based observations were combined, led to better characterize this event. Indeed, by applying a novel approach based on asteroseismology
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  • Práctica guiada en el Teide para aprender a manejar el telescopio nocturno y realizar una observación astronómica. Crédito: Donovan Mclean/Enrique Mesa/IAC.
    Gracias a este proyecto educativo, más de 200 profesores se han formado ya en los distintos cursos ofrecidos y han realizado actividades con 7.700 estudiantes de Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato y Formación Profesional en 90 centros escolares de Tenerife. En 2018 se inauguraba oficialmente el proyecto “CosmoLAB: El Sistema Solar como laboratorio en el aula” (…), desarrollado por el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) y financiado por el Cabildo de Tenerife, a través del programa Tenerife
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  • Guido Münch. Crédito: Alchetron.
    Entrevista publicada en IAC Noticias. N° 1- 1994. Sección "A través del prisma" Propuesto por el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias al «Premio Príncipe Asturias de Investigación Científica y Técnica 1989», el Prof. Guido Münch es el primer astrónomo que ha recibido este galardón. Su contribución a la Ciencia incluye tanto análisis teóricos y observacionales sobre la atmósfera del Sol y de las estrellas, como aplicaciones tecnológicas que resultaron decisivas en la exploración del espacio: programas Mariner, Viking y Pioneer. Actualmente, Guido Münch reside en Tenerife, atraído por el clima
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  • Guido Münch. Crédito: Alchetron.
    Professor Guido Münch was the first astronomer to receive the Principe de Asturias Prize for Scientific and Technical Investigation in 1989 for which he was proposed by the IAC. His contributions to science included both theoretical and observational analysis of the atmosphere of the Sun and of the stars, as well as technolgical contributions which were important for the space exploration programmes Mariner, Viking, and Pioneer. Guido Münch lived for several years (1992-1996) in Tenerife, attracted by the IAC, and its observatories, and he attended conferences such as that held in La Palma
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  • RGB image of PSZ1 G158.34-47.49, one of the clusters studied, which has a spectroscopic redshift z=0.311. In the image you can see a gravitational lens arc. The photometric image was taken with ACAM/WHT; the spectroscopic data are from DOLORES/TNG.
    An international team led by the group of Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), including researchers from the University of Paris-Saclay (France) and the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (Garching, Germany) has finished the optical characterization of new clusters of galaxies in the northern hemisphere, detected first by the Planck satellite using tjhe Suyaev-Zel’dovich signal. These studies allow more accurate determination of the mean matter density in the universe and other cosmological parameters. The observations, which have
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  • Three-dimensional visualization of the geometric extent of the chromosphere above active region NOAA 12565. An image of the Earth is added to provide a sense of scale.
    Sunspots are intense collections of magnetic fields that pierce through the Sun’s photosphere, with their signatures extending upwards into the outermost extremities of the solar corona. Cutting-edge observations and simulations are providing insights into the underlying wave generation, configuration and damping mechanisms found in sunspot atmospheres. However, the in situ amplification of magnetohydrodynamic waves, rising from a few hundreds of metres per second in the photosphere to several kilometres per second in the chromosphere, has, until now, proved difficult to explain. Theory
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