
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • Spectral energy distribution for the nucleus of NGC 1052. Different symbols represent the sub-arcsec and low-angular resolution measurements, interpolation, power-law, hot standard disc, and a Seyfert 2 template.
    Low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (LLAGNs) are found in about 1/3 of all the galaxies in the Local Universe, establishing the most numerous class of AGNs. At low accretion rates, LLAGNs are expected to develop major changes in the structure of the accretion disc when compared to their bright counterparts, Seyfert galaxies and Quasars. Here we present high-angular resolution data (~13 pc) for the LLAGN in the nucleus of NGC 1052, covering 10 orders of magnitude in frequency from radio to X-rays. The flux distribution of the nucleus is well described by a broken power law plus an inverse
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  • Valentín Martínez Pillet. Credit: Inés Bonet (IAC)
    During his last visit to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) we talked to the Director of the National Solar Observatory (NSO) of the United States about the launching of the Parker Solar Probe, among other subjects. Valentín Martínez Pillet studied for his doctorate at the University of La Laguna and at the IAC, where he is a Coordinator of Projects, but this solar physicist is currently carrying out Special Duties, after accepting, in 2013, the offer to be the director of the institution which is constructing the biggest solar telescope in the world, the Daniel, K. Inouye Solar
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  • Composition of the meteor shower Perseidas 2014 on the Teide (Tenerife). Credit: Observation M. Serra-Ricart, processed J.C. Casado-starryearth, IAC.
    On the night of 12th to 13 of August, a moonless night, we will be able to see the maximum, of this meteor shower. The event will be broadcast live from the Teide Observatory (Izaña, Tenerife) and from El Anillo (Cáceres) via the channel, on August 12th with the collaboration of the European project STARS4ALL and by “Extremadura Buenas Noches” an initiative of the Junta of Extremadura. In addition the citizen science project “Contadores de estrellas” (“Counters of Stars”) fimded by FECYT offers an observing proposal for the whole family.
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  • Kepler's Supernova remnant. Crédito: X-ray: NASA/CXC/NCSU/M.Burkey et al; Optical: DSS. Release date: March 18, 2013.
    A study involving a researcher from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), which has been led by a researcher at the Instituto de Física Fundamental (IFF-CSIC) and the Instituto de Ciencias del Cosmos (UB-IEEC), argues that the explosion that Johannes Kepler observed in 1604 was caused by a merger of two stellar residues.
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