
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • Carlos Allende, investigador del IAC; Romano Corradi, director del GTC, En-ge Wang, vicepresidente de la CAS; y Gang Zhao, subdirector general del NAOC, en la sala de control del GTC. Crédito: Daniel López/IAC.
    El vicepresidente de la Academia de Ciencias de China (CAS), En-Ge Wang, y una delegación científica del NAOC (National Astronomical Observatories de la CAS), encabezada por su director, Gang Zhao, visitaron el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) y los Observatorios del Teide, en Izaña (Tenerife), y del Roque de los Muchachos, en Garafía (La Palma). Esta visita ha contribuido a impulsar, tal y como recogía uno de los puntos del memorandum firmado entre el IAC y el NAOC en mayo de 2016, la colaboración en el desarrollo de instrumentación científica para el Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC
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  • Ignacio Cirac, during his seminar at the IAC. Credit: Miguel Briganty, SMM (IAC).
    “With a quantum computer we will be able to solve problems which are imposible with present day supercomputers” “For our day to day transactions by internet (purchases, private messages etc) we code the information using mult-digit keys which ensures that no current computer can decipher them” “The experiments with quantum entanglement carried out at the IAC’s Observatories, between telescopes on Tenerife and La Palma will help us to develop technologies based on entanglement and quantum teletransportation”. By Hector Socas (IAC) The discovery of quantum physics gave rise to one of the most
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  • La escritora Elsa López, leyendo las Resoluciones adoptadas en el congreso “Preserving the Skies” durante la clausura, en el teatro Circo de Marte de Santa Cruz de La Palma. Foto: Elena Mora (IAC).
    After a panel discussion about technical aspects featuring some of the participants in the conference, the author from La Palma Elsa López read out (between two musical performances) the resolutions adopted at this conference held to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Starlight Declaration of La Palma (see RESOLUTIONS below). “The Preserving the skies conference has been an interesting and fruitful meeting” said Francisco Sánchez, the founding director of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). ”I am very satisfied, he said, because during these 10 years there have been advances
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