Astrophysical instrumentation


As the main objective of the Division is the development of astrophysical instrumentation, frequently it is required its participation in studies and proposals for the construction of future telescopes. Since the design and construction of the IAC-80 telescope, the Instrumentation Division has contributed to several large telescopes projects

  • Several CSOA activities
    Advanced Optical Systems Center (CSOA)
    The Advanced Optical Systems Center (CSOA) is an unique infrastructure in Spain for the manufacture of high quality optical elements. This cutting-edge technology is a rising value and, with the necessary requirements in Astrophysics, it is available to very few centers in the world.
    José Alfonso
    López Aguerri
  • CTAO 3D simulation. Credit: Gabriel Pérez Díaz (IAC)
    IACTEC Large Telescopes: Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory - CTAO
    The CTAO is an initiative which is planning the construction of a new generation of Cherenkov Telescopes to study the universe in very high energy gamma-rays. Gamma-rays carry information about the most violent and extreme events in the universe.
    García López
  • NRT with dome 2022
    IACTEC Large Telescopes: New Robotic Telescope - NRT
    The NRT (New Robotic Telescope) is a project to design and build a 4-meter telescope within five years, which from the ORM will operate in a totally autonomous and robotic way. This form of operation will make it the largest robotic telescope in the world.
    Carlos Manuel
    Gutiérrez de La Cruz
  • EST Render
    IACTEC Large Telescopes: The European Solar Telescope - EST
    The European Solar Telescope (EST) ( is a European solar physics initiative involving more than 30 institutions from 18 countries, under the coordination of the IAC, representing the largest infrastructure of European research projected in the field of solar physics from Earth.
  • Diseño conceptual de la cúpula
    ELT - European Extremely Large Telescope
    FP6 viability study proposal for a European Extremely Large Telescope. Contains studies and developments in various astrophysics-related fields: wavefront control, optics, mechanics, control, dome and infrastructure, adaptive optics, operations, instrumentation, and site characterisation.
    Reyes García-Talavera
  • Ejemplos de las tecnologías involucradas en estos desarrollos: De izquierda a derecha, sensor de frente de onda de NAOS (VLT), espejos deformables utilizados para la corrección del frente de onda y red de difracción holográfica.
    Optical Infrared Co-ordination Network for Astronomy - OPTICON
    Participation in OPTICON. One of the main goals of this project, to which many of the individual activities being carried out at OPTICON are also contributing, is to produce construction specifications for a European Extremely Large Telescope.