It may interest you
GaiaAlerts2025: The 16th Gaia Science Alerts and ACME Time-Domain WorkshopGaiaAlerts2025 continues the series initiated in 2010 by members of the Gaia space mission, including scientists from the University of Cambridge and the University of Warsaw. The 2025 workshop willIACTec building C/ Álvaro Martín Díaz, 2 Parque Tecnológico de Las Mantecas CP: 38320 La Laguna Santa Cruz de TenerifeSpainDate-Upcoming
MUNICHFEST 2025: Celebrating 40 years of research on hot luminous starsThe Munichfest 2025 conference will take place from April 7-11 in La Palma, Canary Islands. It celebrates 40 years of research on hot luminous stars, revisiting key scientific advancements andLa Palma & Teneguía Princess, Fuencaliente, La Palma, Canary IslandsSpainDate-Upcoming
Spanish ALMA Days 2025The event is designed to provide information about the next ALMA observing cycle (Cycle 12) as well as a broad overview of the ALMA archive and tools, the scientific output of the facility in the 10+IACTec building C/ Álvaro Martín Díaz, 2 Parque Tecnológico de Las Mantecas CP: 38320 La Laguna Santa Cruz de TenerifeSpainDate-Upcoming