Carmen De Martino
Lotfi Yelles
Date and time
9 Nov 2009 - 23:00 Europe/London
Talk language
Serie number
(1) The recent infrared surveys (2MASS, UKIDSS and GLIMPSE) contributed strongly to the discovery of new young massive clusters within our Galaxy, by offering the unprecedented ideal testbeds in which to study massive stellar evolution. In this direction the MASGOMAS (MAssive Stars in Galactic Obscured Massive clusterS) project of the Spanish Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation operates and strives to enlarge the number of known massive clusters, to characterize their stellar content, to derive these clusters' properties and to better the current knowledge on the swift material loss process from high-mass stars in the earliest phases of star formation.
In this occasion I will present our approach to select predominantly new cluster candidates of Milky Way with OB massive stars after a brief digression on my previous research experience, useful to introduce myself to all you.
(2) The increasing realism of 3D radiative MHD simulations provides a unique laboratory of solar photospheric processes. In order to confront these simulations with observations, observables have to be computed, including spectropolarimetric quantities, which provide a powerful tool for probing the properties of solar magnetoconvection. The study of spectropolarimetric properties of electromagnetic waves originating in a realistic simulated solar photosphere allows us to identify suitable diagnostics of the various solar phenomena resulting from the interaction between the plasma and the magnetic field in the photosphere and sub-photospheric layers.