Russell, T. D.; Soria, R.; Miller-Jones, J. C. A.; Curran, P. A.; Markoff, S.; Russell, D. M.; Sivakoff, G. R.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 439, Issue 2, p.1390-1402
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Refereed citations
We present the results of our quasi-simultaneous radio, submm, infrared,
optical and X-ray study of the Galactic black hole candidate X-ray
binary MAXI J1836-194 during its 2011 outburst. We consider the full
multiwavelength spectral evolution of the outburst, investigating
whether the evolution of the jet spectral break (the transition between
optically thick and optically thin synchrotron emission) is caused by
any specific properties of the accretion flow. Our observations show
that the break does not scale with the X-ray luminosity or with the
inner radius of the accretion disc, and is instead likely to be set by
much more complex processes. We find that the radius of the acceleration
zone at the base of the jet decreases from ˜106
gravitational radii during the hard intermediate state to
˜103 gravitational radii as the outburst fades
(assuming a black hole mass of 8 M⊙), demonstrating that
the electrons are accelerated on much larger scales than the radius of
the inner accretion disc and that the jet properties change
significantly during outburst. From our broad-band modelling and
high-resolution optical spectra, we argue that early in the outburst,
the high-energy synchrotron cooling break was located in the optical
band, between ≈3.2 × 1014 and 4.5 ×
1014 Hz. We calculate that the jet has a total radiative
power of ≈3.1 × 1036 erg s-1, which is
˜6 per cent of the bolometric radiative luminosity at this time.
We discuss how this cooling break may evolve during the outburst, and
how that evolution dictates the total jet radiative power. Assuming the
source is a stellar mass black hole with canonical state transitions,
from the measured flux and peak temperature of the disc component we
constrain the source distance to be 4-10 kpc.
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