Goossens, M.; Soler, R.; Arregui, I.; Terradas, J.
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 760, Issue 2, article id. 98, 8pp, (2012).
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Observations show that propagating magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves are
ubiquitous in the solar atmosphere. The technique of MHD seismology uses
the wave observations combined with MHD wave theory to indirectly infer
physical parameters of the solar atmospheric plasma and magnetic field.
Here, we present an analytical seismological inversion scheme for
propagating MHD waves. This scheme uses the observational information on
wavelengths and damping lengths in a consistent manner, along with
observed values of periods or phase velocities, and is based on
approximate asymptotic expressions for the theoretical values of
wavelengths and damping lengths. The applicability of the inversion
scheme is discussed and an example is given.
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